Monday, May 27, 2013

All About Programming

I have been in this class for two am starting to wonder what have I been doing all this time. I always understood things the upside way. Since I was a freshman I have been battling with so many terms. One being definition of some big but small words...PROGRAMMING.
When I first heard this word all that came into my mind is creating games using some complex programming language. Yess! A programming language..that made things even worse.

I realised the real meaning of programming when I was a sophomore. I hustled all those years trying to learn how to program. Though not in vain I gained some skill. But it was all useless if I couldn't understand what programming deals with.
Most people take programming as some very complex task, but after my short experience working on a medical system, it hit me that programming was not all about writing CODES but a much...much bigger field with so many complexities.

As A programmer I can define programming as the ability to know what a PROBLEM is and the right Tools to use to solve the problem. I bet all my programming skills on this definition.

If you u don't understand the problem you are tackling, its like you are competing with a donkey in the race of horses. Before I go cracking lemme explain this in point form:
  • Understand the problem you are facing before you think of anything. Just try to imagine outside the programming world. Think as if there were no programming at all, then figure out the best solution you could give to that problem.
  • Now you know the problem, don't rush...TULIA!!! code ain't running.
  • So I bet by now you will be eager to go start finding out the solution to the problem, but first do a research. See how such problems were tackled in the past by not saying that you copy other people's ideas but get an idea of how things are done.
  • If you are comfortable with your research. Go ahead and identify tools which are necessary for your project. Don't look for tools (Silver Bullet Syndrome) which are so complex thinking that it will help you solve the problem with ease. Lets keep this topic for another day. e.g IDE, CASE tools.
You must be feeling intelligent now..but I promise you. You will look like a fool if you take my advice as the golden guide for programming.
Next step :
  • After you have all the tools ready. Prepare the environment for setting up you tools, this is because what we have now are the raw materials and they are useless.
  • After your environment is set, coding ain't a priority here. Leave everything and lets get down to paper work. This is the most intimidating part DOCUMENTATION! I wont even talk about it...i hate it. Lets keep this for another day.

Feel like a programmer?? We just 1/116 DONE!!

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